

Let This Be a Lesson

The left is V3 which I made more or less spontaneously one evening while watching the telly. V6 on the right took me all afternoon, with some counting, some recording, and a wee bit of planning against my initial intentions.

V4, V5, (such a poor imitation of V3 I undid it right away,) and V6 were all intended to improve on V3, mainly the ill-defined outline of the cable's left edge as it curved. The minute pencil and paper came into play, I started "thinking" and trying to outdo my intuitive side.

You can't see it in this picture, but in V6 the pattern on the right started in a numerically strategic progression which made so much sense but looked oh-so-ugly.

So I'm resuming where I left off with V3. Who knows, the next few rows might ruin it, in a hitherto unkown way, but I trust my eyes to know better than my murky gray cells. Besides, this spontaneity is why I wanted to try free-range knitting in the first place, no?

Anyhoo, I am keeping a step-by-step record of this project in a separate post, but I felt compelled to remind myself of this good lesson.

Don't ruin thing by thinking.

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