
Melbourne Pics - Part II

Before the trip, I resolved to take food, architecture/urban pics and a few selfies, as well as to sketch. I didn't do a whole lot of any of them, (two selfies??) but I am happy with  some of the urban pics I did get. Melbourne is so photogenic.   
Block Arcade entrance.  
I don't remember taking this, though. 
Almost filmic.
Amazing what stops me in my tracks. This day it was the pictures of
Mary in the Catholic Bookshop! 
Old and new. There were worryingly numerous holes in the city where presumably old buildings had been taken down to be replaced by the new.  
Money changers at the gates of the temple, or in this case a cafe in front of a Baptist Church that looks like a Greek not-quite-temple?? 
Brunetti on Sunday afternoon in the Italian Precinct; more on this later.  
Fish and Chippery, somewhere between the Italian Precinct and the CBD. 
A most pleasant afternoon with the Woods
After Round I at the van Gogh exhibition.
Our accommodation; more on this later, too.  
Our last morning came all too soon. We would love to go back, and sooner rather than later. 


Starry29 said...

Oh boy! What a great holiday. Thank you so much for your images. Makes me quite homesick for Melbourne!

Meg said...

If I could afford to live in Melbourne, I might. But it's like Tokyo, London, even Wellington, I suspect; wonderful to visit but prohibitively expensive and soon enough one wants to run away for some peace and quiet? At least that's what I keep telling myself, but then as far as big cities go, Melbourne is probably one of the nicest places I've visited.

Unknown said...

Nice! Loved the photo of the 2 of you the best!

Meg said...

That's because you're partial, Laura. LOL.