

Cell by Cell

I've been sick. And I don't mean my usual "under the weather/am I only lazy?" kind, but a full-blown sore-throat/runny-nose/continuous-sneezing/coughing-all-night-all-day version with fever and pains since Wednesday. I was taken by surprise and mightily annoyed but what can I do? I've occasionally fringed, occasionally read, ate a lot of frozen berries, (best for sore throat,) but mostly slept.

As far as sicknesses go, it's nothing and I was willing to give it a couple of days before Ben's Easter break. He's taking time off so we can clean up the house and garden for visitors and we were going on a short road trip. Darn.

Friday was my birthday but I was still sick so we watched hours of recorded TV programs, among them half a season of Monty Don; apparently 2012 was a wet year in the UK. We'd been having lovely still autumnal days and by Saturday I was utterly frustrated not being able to go outside, so in the morning I moved the pots on the patio so Ben could waterblast two exterior walls. Then I needed a lie down. 

That night we were supposed to have a full lunar eclipse. Ben's camera positioned at a vantage point, he stayed outside for a couple of hours but I kept coming in then going out to check progress. In the end we didn't have a full eclipse, but I stand around for over an hour, too, and this is Ben's best effort. He reminded me had it been a full eclipse, (i.e the white light at the bottom disappeared,) the whole moon would have been quite saturated dark red; we can't remember if we saw such an eclipse a few years ago but we know this wasn't our first outing.
It was a bit chilly outside, so Sunday was my worst day yet. However, unable to garden nor weave, nor cook nor read for any length of time, I have managed to fringe, five since the cashmeres, one already on its way to Japan. (No pic of that.)
I discovered some silks smell bad while immersed in warm water so I put the middle and right pieces through vinegar rinse. I used identical wefts for these pieces. Now they are supposed to hang in the air but since this is the first wash for the middle one, I laid them flat. I continue to struggle with technique/basic skills, but I do love these off of the gray merino warp. More pics when they're completely finished.
The wool piece isn't bad, either; this was the warp that didn't pleat. I like the color combo; the weft color doesn't change and I can't see this in real life, but here we are. I'm too smitten by the gray lot I don't have head space for this. Six more to fringe and finish. 

I'm now 57 years and 3 days old, 1093 days left for stash reduction. If you subscribe to the theory cells in your body gets replaced every seven years, I'm at the top of the Ninth Inning, and it's time I stop fluffing around and hunker down to the serious stuff of life, not just weaving but health maintenance and such; it's a fresh start and an ultimatum of sorts at once.

I think I need a nap before we go to the supermarket. 


  1. Oh, Meg, I've got the same hideous thing you've got! So sick of myself after a week of being a pathetic invalid. Hope you're much better today, I think I am, a bit. You did well to get out to look at the eclipse! Too cloudy here to see anything, sadly. Gosh, I think I must be at the bottom of the 11th inning, even more reason for me to start making an effort!

  2. So sorry you've been sick. Bummer, especially on your birthday! What a fab photo of the moon ~ awesome, Ben! Wondering what 2012 being a wet year in the UK has to do with the price of tea in China...enlighten me, please. Hugs to you.

  3. Hope you're feeling well soon! And Ben got a great moon photo; Mike rose at 4am to watch it, but of course I slept through the whole thing...

  4. Geez, Carol, you too?? I would really like to get some time in the garden tomorrow, but from last Saturday we've had rain in the forecast - mostly in the forecast only, though. Hope still sailing? Connie, they're showing the 2012 series here. Sandra, It was a bit of a let down after being told in the news over and over that it was going to be a full eclipse. But then for us it was around 1AM and we were setting our clocks back an hour after daylight saving. I hope Mike enjoyed it.

  5. Ugh! Both my husband and I have this and we haven't had colds for several years. I slept most of the day and am enjoying catching up on my blog reading. Reading around the blogosphere It seems like several people have this virus. Same symptoms. Hope you and all the rest of us feel better soon!

  6. Today we played unsick and ran around garden centers in the rain for a few hours. I am so sick of being sick. We even planted some bulbs in pots in the rain and semi-dark. May tomorrow be better!

  7. Hi Meg, Do hope the nasty virus is behind you and your energy levels aren't depleted. And to have it on your birthday - bummer!
    Scarves are looking great. Very pleased to hear the finishing pile is disappearing.
    We set the alarm to get up to see the eclipse but it didn't go off. I answered a nature call and by the time I woke Peter it was quarter over.

  8. Oh, bummer. Did you have a clear sky? It wasn't full, though, so maybe in three years.


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