


We spent six hours in the gallery yesterday, with me bossing around Sam and Annabelle to move things along, and with Roger's and Duncan's help, got an amazing amount done; all that needs doing today is some tweaking, labeling/admin and our own photo shoots. And the place looks nothing like this photo! 

A great omen for the show was an out-of-town visitor and long-time model who bought Sam's drawing while we were only lining up works against the wall, the third pic. I was truly thrilled for Sam, it's such a good start for Sam Jensen the Painter, and we appreciated this visitor wading through our mess and finding what we made interesting.

Pricing is always an issue and listening to others I was aghast to hear the numbers being thrown around, how out of touch I am to value of money in New Zealand in the 21st century. (No wonder we haven't bought any art in the last... decade?) For me, an added factor is I see drawing/painting as an away game. What I made are the fruits of attending Ronette's classes off and on for six years, and more to the point, my friendship with Sam and Annabelle. (And you all will understand why I insist on using the verb, "make".) I'm still thinking back and forth between prices I would consider buying, and/or doubling/tripling to meet alleged market value.

At the end of last night, the strangest thing happened. We were sticking tiny posts its to our own paintings, identifying the artists, putting serial numbers, etc, for a price list, and I couldn't tell which ones were mine; this morning Annabelle told me the same. This has never happened to me but it could be my first taste of a truly collaborative effort.

Expect more pics.


  1. It's going to be a wonderful exhibit. Have a great time, and I hope you all sell lots!

  2. Enjoy the time with your exhibition now the hanging is done. And ditto Sandra, great sales.

  3. Not sure about selling as there is a HUGE art (painting) event in town in this or next week, but I and others are secretly very pleased that we made one lovely, pretty exhibition - not challenging, but straight forward and just lovely. We're all exhausted, but just started to appreciate the word we've done.


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