


I love this name. I thought it was Laharya only because Mom bought it near there, along with a whole bunch of real Laharya cloths. But this one has the most uplifting color combo. Until yesterday afternoon, I thought I should put on a "simpler" warp to practice weaving on my big loom. But what practice? I've been weaving on it for a fair few years and I'm eager to get back into action, so I decided to dispense with the Convent School frivolity and jump right in. So, to recap:

The original inspiration, this being the only photo of the cloth I have:
The warp, where the colors are a little bit truer than yesterday's pic:
Color proportion and distribution, but too much yellow:
From the start I had in mind these small irregular triangles lined up and going up and down, irregular size and alignment being an important part. I want clusters of triangles. This was my starting point.
If I'm going to play around with weft colors, it's no use making the draft overly complicated, and if I can make the threading simple, all the better. But the above, I'm afraid, doesn't have the cute vertical clusters of triangles I had in mind.
The appearance of the cloth is too complicated, not innocent. So now I'm asking myself; how much do I want to stick to the look and feel of the original cloth vs how much do I want to "develop the idea".

So after one day of working it, this is what I've come so far.
A wee bit of detail.
And I'm a little tired now, but I just had another idea. LOL.


  1. Love it when those ideas just keep on coming! Now to just catch them.

  2. Yes, exactly, catching the right ones quickly enough!

  3. I love triangles! Looking forward to seeing this cloth develop.

  4. I don't know if I ever tried to make triangles before, but, well, here they are. Kind of.


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