

A Summer's Day in Nelson

Two tuis sitting just outside our living room window. (Sorry for the yikesy photo; I was looking right into the afternoon sun.)
Thunder and lightening, and wait for it, wait for it...
Rain, tuis chirping, and neighbors in all direction clapping and cheering!

Plus we put stakes on our tomato plants and did a wee bit of weeding. Plus I enjoyed my new invention - mint tea and honey sorbet. Plus I started working on the Sketchbook Project sketchbook, albeit tentatively. 
 But that was hardly enough rain for my veggie patch. So off I go.


  1. Fantastic photos! Make me long for summer, green plants and sun.

  2. We have plenty of summer left here. Roughly 6-8 weeks at the very least!

  3. I didn't know what a "tui" might be, so I looked it up online - what a beautiful bird it is! Lucky you.

  4. Tuis have lovely singing voices and we feel quite honored to have them visit our gardens, but the wee tree, when we don't have the gust, seems to have become a bit of an in spot for the two birds. We love that. We have trees on our own garden they tuis sometimes visit, but we can't see it from our house, whereas this tree is just outside our living room window, though it's not our tree.

    The fat one came back yesterday afternoon. The skinny one was here this morning.


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