

The Real Last Day

I'm sorry if I sounded grumpy yesterday but I've been in a "big" panic trying to track down many of you. (That's "Meg Big", so, like, OTT-hysterical-Drama-Queen to most of you.) In apology and appreciation for your patience, I'm extending the due time slightly; you can email me re. "Weaver to Weaver", if you like, until the end of Monday NZ Daylight Savings time, which is GMT+13hours, which is this time at a location near you.

To see how, or to check that I have received your email, please check the original post.

Strong wind has been blowing sporadically for the last three weeks, more or less continuously since Friday, and non-stop for about 24 hours so far, and it doesn't look like it's stopping any time soon. I don't have to feel guilty about not weeding, but that leaves me weaving the two-faced twiller I'm not excited about. For today, I am calling myself Dorothy.

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