

Hitting a Bump

Or a few in this case.

I like my cloths to have as few wrinkles as possible, so I steam press them while damp to within inches of their lives, samples and proper pieces. (Wool bounce back; mercirized cotton stay down some.) Though I do like textured cloths when other weavers make them, I never wanted to make them myself. Until the latest sample.

I was in such a hurry to get weaving that I washed but did not press the sample, and for some reason I'm really enjoying the tiny gentle bumps, and I'm wondering if I should wash and size the two scarves from this warp instead of power-steam-pressing. (I don't have proper facilities to size pieces so it will most likely mean pinning them down on the carpet where we don't walk around much.)   
A-side of Draft 35842 and a glimpse of Draft 40317 on the left; I'm about to finish weaving 40317 with the olive green weft.
B-side of Draft 35842; too, too Waffly for my taste, and yet, and yet... I'm weaving this teal/peacock weft next; it's a color I don't care for, but in this warp it makes the overall cloth so saturated and each little unit in the structure pop up.
Draft 40285 and I'm even thinking of trying this in wool, in what feels like a total departure for me.

All three are on 14 shafts, straight draw. I've included a tiny bit of basket weave in the selvedges.


  1. Enjoyed your colorful weavings! thanks for sharing the drafts as well.

  2. These are beautiful. Love the photos!

  3. Meg, I wish I could become a tiny person and walk through these beautiful landscapes you've created!

  4. Thank you, ladies. Margery, what a lovely thought!!!


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