
Cotton Series

I wove two in the wood grain design; I guess it's not so bad reusing a draft as these two have different moods. And then bubbles. I'm not sure what I'm going to call the wood grain ones, just not wood-something, but the big bubbles is called "Conversation" and the small bubbles, "Idea Bubbles".
I also got two warp-end fabric pieces. I would have woven warp end anyway, but Ben's been asking me to alter some of his clothes using my handwovens; I feel uncomfortable because my sewing skill is, at best, school Home Ec level, but changing pockets or collars of shop-bought shirts sounds less threatening than creating an entire garment with handwoven fabric, so I hope to give this a go. The top piece has a slightly whiter orange in the weft than the scarf on the far left; the bottom piece weft is the darker of stone-washed jeans blue.
I need to get my photography mojo this weekend before I deliver them to the gallery.


margery meyers haber said...

These are beautiful! For the wood pieces, how about "With the Grain" and "Against the Grain"?

Cate Rose said...

I love these!

Anonymous said...

These are beautiful. They remind me of the beautiful yellow piece I fell in love with that was one of the first you showed us.
I love looking at them.
May I suggest... Thought Flow ...
That goes with the Conversation and Idea Bubbles.
Just my 2 cents.
Vicki Allen

Andrew Kieran said...

Hi Meg, just saying I've gotten round to replying to the comment you left on my blog a post ago.

Dorothy said...

Lovely rich colours, they look very striking all together. I like the long waves in the pattern too.

Meg said...

Thank, both. I think I might go with the "grain" without the wood for their names.