My arms tell me I shouldn't weave so much today. I'm a little worried about the optimistic calculation mentioned in yesterday's post; I think a drastic change in my work schedule in my head is in order. So here I sit, looking at interesting images, checking FB settings, being frustrated once again at "We're sorry. Due to publishing rights restrictions, we are not authorized to sell this item in the country where you live," from yet another business to whom I pay a small monthly subscription. ( this time.) Anyhoo, here are two random thoughts.
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Guatemalan Barbies. Yes. You can see plenty of pics and read the pros and cons. I was instantly amazed at the costumes, suspected they may be handwoven, at least in parts. And apparently they are. I have inherited my mother's great loathing for Barbies, (she never bought me anything to do with Barbie, though I got a whole load of hand-me-downs from one aunt; Mom stuck with Tammy and her kind for me, which I liked equally, so I wasn't deprived!!) and I have problems further propagating the idea or visuals of Baribie, regardless of this venture is aimed at tourists or local girls. On the other hand, if it helps to bring income to local crafters, (and textile makers in Guatemala are largely, if not completely, women,) and if it helps to make known to the wider world the handmade-ness, the crafters, and the textiles themselves, I find myself leaning more towards than away from the idea.
If nothing else, it's a brilliant marketing ploy, don't you think?
Sample articles: here and here. I'd love to hear what you think.
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Sketchbook Project 2013 was announced, and before I knew it I had signed up for it. The sketchbooks themselves have been changed; though there are no pictures, it sounds like they are a bit sturdier and amenable to all our carrying/dragging/working-on and what not. And being handled by exhibition visitors later. I know Arthouse is pretty prompt and I'll receive mine in the few weeks, but I've half a mind to hide it until October 1. Or carry it around but promise not to work on it until October 1. Or not.
The idea I'm toying with is to create a group of weavers or textile artists to share ideas, show each other stuff, or just enjoy each other's company. I know there are groups for textile artist Sketchbook Project participants, but the reason why I have been toying with the idea is because I swore last time that if I were to take part in another Sketchbook Project, I'd like to highlight handwoven cloths, so our group, (either created or stumbled-upon by me,) would concentrate on something to do with the handmade or cloths, not assembled. And this is not a aesthetic/moral/value judgment, but just a narrow focus.
I'm just thinking/typing out loud at the moment. And a little in denial about weaving 15 meters in dusty gray wool.
Hi Meg...I have been thinking about your "pillars" fact the thoughts kept me awake for quite a while last nigh...and I'm wondering what about the edges? How are you going to make sure the panels hang straight like your paper models? Won't there be an issue of "buckling" or "twisting" or "waviness"? Or is that part of the design? I'm quite interested in what kind of treatment you're going to be doing on the selvedge to get the result you want.
I'm using the hardest wool I've got for the warp; the weft is a nondescript, middle-of-the-road wool. I'll be doing some washing/fulling experiments to make it stiff-ish but not exactly all the way "felted", if I could make the distinction in the degree of fulled result.
ReplyDeleteI have thought of soaking it in mild starch to stiffen it slightly, but I haven't gotten that far yet.
The selvedge won't have any special treatment.
The paper models are mainly for the size, proportion, distance, etc. My pillars certainly won't hang like my drawings. And short of trying them from Pat's balcony again, or sneaking into the Visual Art School at the local polytechnic, I don't have a venue where I can test different ways of hanging.
Because I'm not experienced in this kind of work, I've resined to, and feel it's OK to, work one or two steps at a time. Worst case scenario, I'll have five identical banners hung slightly askew, wrinkled or pressed well at the dry cleaners.
So you can say, at this point, I don't haven an exact picture of the "result I want" at this point. What I will get on September 30 or October 1 will be the result.
Though I don't loose sleep over it, I've been thinking about the same line.
One thing, though, re. twisting, if I want one to hang straight, I'm going to weigh it down so it's relatively straight. That's what those tiny black marks are, tied to the bottom dowels.
Sorry, not the black marks, but the weight-looking bits.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info. I'm looking forward to hearing about your progress along the way...and of course, seeing the pictures of your panels hung in place later this year.