

Busy Tuesday

I've been good; I've been working consistently, on many projects, so as not to aggravate my arm because I was naughty last week. However, working hard and diligently doesn't guarantee good results, does it?
I finally started weaving the second scarf from the previous warp, in three orange and three pale yellow-green 60/2 cottons. And though the designs pop up nicely, the selvedge is... let's just say I wouldn't post a close-up shot of it.

I've been sampling for the "Pillars" project and it's not going well; for one thing I don't have enough warp nor weft I selected to weave five pieces of 60cm by 300cm pieces; for another, my favorite weft is too, too skinny and while it produces a lovely stiff gray cloth, I'm hesitant to apportion 10 weeks for weaving this one project at this point. So I've taken out everything I have in white, gray and black, combining them and sampling on a table-loom-with-legs, (Louet Kilk), which is too low if I stand up, but whose Shaft 7 and beyond are out of reach if I sit down. I'll post when I have some kind of a decision made.

This coming Thursday-Sunday is the much-awaited Festival in Blenheim, and even though I was only peripherally and remotely involved, I am feeling, also, a proportional load off my shoulder this week. I've done admin work to bring the Festival-related Internet stuff to a tidy end at the end of the month. As well, I'm handing over the Marlborough Weavers blog to Rose, so I can concentrate on the October Exhibition, ostensibly from May 1, but realistically from around mid-May.

I've also been playing around with the idea of (self-)portrait for the collective work. Nothing serious, yet, just looking up famous painted portraits, doodling my face, that kind of thing. Again, more on this when I have something to show you,

As if the Weaving Goddess is rewarding me, I got two more envelopes this evening. 
The top one is "The Netherlands Kasjmiek silk" from JM, and it came in a cheerful handmade envelope! Below is hand-dyed (??) cotton from Daniella Zeni Bomatter in France.
I like more and more the idea of combining the idea of self-portrait with the friendship aspect in one piece.

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