

WordPress Bloggers

WP recently changed the way we are (not) allowed to log on and leave comments. I don't want to allow WP to access my Facebook information so I can't seem to leave comments on WP blogs. I don't have a Twitter account. Does anyone know how else to comment?

And this includes not being able to say CONGRATS and wishing a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Judy.


  1. Thanks Meg!
    Don't know if this comment will get through - I use wordpress and recently deactivated my facebook account. Twitter is totally beyond me.


    It's not going well - I'll try anonymous

  2. Strange world. Once, Blogger and WordPress were so receptive. Now they are not?

  3. I wonder whether they are playing tit for tat? Blogger hasn't recognised my wordpress ID in ages and it won't accept my openID either. Your blog is great because you allow me to enter "Name/URL" but some people lock theirs down so tight that I can't comment at all. Very annoying all round and I wish they would sort it out!

  4. Aha, that must be it! The thing is, though, it appears some WP blogs remember me and allows me to comment; others don't know me from a bar of soup, and all of us who are more concerned about the contents than brand llegiances are left sitting bewildered?

  5. So, these big faceless businesses are playing games with personal data, again. They have too much power. I guess we gave it to them, accidentally.

  6. Yes, I guess we did give it to them, because they gave lovely things for free.

    I'm a little worried about where all these new security and restrictions are going re. blogging and commenting.

    Coincidentally, NZ govt has more new authorities to monitor electronic traffic, as of last night, too. So I guess no more conspiracy weaving, or I must go underground.


I love comments. Thank you for taking the time to leave one. But do be sure to leave your real or blog name.