


Tennis elbow, ladies and gents.  Mild up-and-down exercise required; if it doesn't get any better in a fortnight, I should go see a physiotherapist.  Heat (athlete's) creams/gels are good, too.  I'm trying to remember how the hand moves when using stick shuttles.

I'm feeling disgruntled because remember I was disappointed with my output (or lack thereof) of woven pieces during my term away from drawing, and I thought my mood was going downhill a while ago? I thought I had overcome both smoothly by weaving.  And I guess I do measure my productivity by how many pieces/centimeters I actually manage to weave on the loom. I was on a roll, I thought, when I lost the use of my left opposable thumb two Wednesdays ago. 

Gosh, darn.

Plus hayfever season started last week; I've been holding off taking my pills because when I do, I have to stop drinking St John's Wort tea, which is the best mood booster, and strongly recommended by my previous and current GPs. 

Gosh, darn.

Not to mention every day except one has been should-a/could-a/would-a gardening weather these two weeks.

Gosh, gosh; darn, darn.  


  1. Also feeling lazy because in the last week I got notices for two art/craft market events and one for display-in-shop-windows opportunity and though I thought I'd like to do one of them but I haven't any "merchandise" to show/sell. Gosh, darn.

  2. hi dear, what about acupuncture? It helped my shoulder/neck issues quite a lot last year.

    It's been an unsettled month, hasn't it? Let's hope September's better. Though mine is suddenly looking really busy -- all good stuff, I just don't have time for, you know, going to work every day!

  3. Even though I learned from my past mistakes that I am not a maker of market type merchandises. I feel so frustrated right about now!!!

    Gosh, darn.

  4. Lovely to hear you're in that a good mindset, Lainie. You really are much too busy to go to work.

    Five years ago with the right hand, that's the first thing I did and I went back somewhere between 3-6 times, but it didn't help much from memory. Perhaps I should go to a different guy. I'll give it some thought; thanks for the reminder.

  5. I can definitely see where using a shuttle would impact tennis-elbow issues. Sounds like repetitive motion injury to me. It hurts a lot like it does now, you lose function, you start treating it and taking better care, it goes away, a few years later it's back again. And the time between flareups gets shorter and shorter. Same with my shoulder/arm/wrist/hand problems.
    In the longer run you might have to begin thinking about life after weaving. It's not that you don't want to, it's just that your body won't support it beyond a certain point.
    It sucks, doesn't it.

  6. Sucks big time, Connie. Just found out my sister has been nursing a tennis elbow on the right side - for nearly 9 months! So, is there, like, a family trend???


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