

Before and After

I've been weaving at what is for me a break-neck speed - one a day. I made a measuring mistake so the cool light blue one is a tad short, (but not as short as it appears here.)  I like that I got two warm color pieces and one cool, from the same warp.  The one on the far left is the unresolved Scarf 2 that is all over the place and even though it has 15 different color areas, I don't like it.  I also one smaller sample and a tiny one to include in the Sketchbook Project sketchbook. 
Dianne, in the middle is the properly wet-finished sample; on the sides pieces just taken off the loom.  Dye does not wash out of these yarns, but the fuzz softens the intensity and makes the finished textile not only feel but look much softer.  I can't even see the log cabin on the orange piece in this picture, but it's there. 
Maybe the wash/fuzz can improve the piece I don't like. Fingers, toes and eyes crossed!


  1. Next one is the red warp on the far right, woven with ONE shuttle. Yay!!

  2. Now there's a pretty picture - crossed eyes! To quote Laura Fry, it's not finished till its wet finished.

  3. Yes, exactly, but I wanted to show you what the cashmere looks like before and after washing.

  4. I am surprised to see the 3D effect, it is very striking. I prefer the effect where there are less colours and softer contrast, 2nd from left is my favourite.

  5. It worked! Blogger didn't eat my comment this time :^)

  6. Yay, Dot! (Actually, it posted one of my comments three times the other day... So, I talk a lot, but not that much.)

    The second from the left actually has two different baby/power/sky blues in it, one just a touch yellower, but they are so similar I have to look closely. I wonder how it'll turn out after I wet-finish.


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