And I have to mention this young artist/weaver, Rachel Beckman, whose website I discovered by image-Googling "handwoven cloth". For me, a couple of her pieces are among the most successful in marrying art and weaving. Oh, so young and talented...
So the year is about to close, and I don't have much to reflect on for the year 2010, as I feel I didn't do much. My first bad workshop experience? Well, it was bound to come around. And some dye experiments? Those were fun.
I'm glad I had a spurt of energy at the last minute. I've woven a couple of pieces which are visually uncharacteristic, those nuanced/muddy colors.
I didn't have a motto for 2010. I kept mumbling "preposterous" but it ceased to mean anything as they do unless you work at it. Then in November, a new one came to me out of the blue: "Revelation". In 2012, I want to know if I am meant to be weaving or spending my life otherwise; I want to be shown what I'm good at, and what direction I should take.
By shown, I don't mean a Fairy God Mother (who might even be younger and perkier than me nowadays) popping up on top of the piles of books at my bedside instructing me to weave this or send work to that exhibition. But I seek some answers/guidelines which most probably will come from within me. Maybe they are like my, weaving briefs, instead of their, exhibition briefs. The answers may take the shape of my choosing some options over others, sometimes logically, sometimes by whim, and sometimes only because I can't do them all. But I want to feel enthusiastic about weaving again.
I do feel optimistic. In the way physical exercise is good for depression but sometimes I honestly don't have the energy to start, I know weaving is good for my creativity though sometimes it requires a momentous first step. But whatever it was, I've been able to build up momentum, so I hope to sail on inertia for the next little while.

Apparently I had visited Rachel Beckman's blog once before in 2008. I found a comment I made!
It turns out Cally had introduced us to Rachel almost as soon as Rachel started blogging:
And here's another thing: I remember Cally telling us she had a new website. I didn't know until today that she moved her blog as well. Or did I? Some of the photographs in the earlier posts look familiar...
Oh, I'm not going to worry weather I'm really loosing my mind or not. At least not today.
"...I want to feel enthusiastic about weaving again."
you will! i always enjoy your musings...maybe you want to come up with a little challenge for all of us again..kick start the enthusiasm. tinytiny projects that can actually be accomplished, possibly.
Linda, believe it or not I had a draft post for another P2P for months, and I had planned to post on December 1, then January 1, but I keep putting it off because it sounded too much to me - I didn't want to commit myself. For now, I think just sitting at my four-shaft Jack doing easy weaving is has been the best way to rekindle my interest.
But do I hear you saying you're up for a tinytiny challenge??? :->
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