

One More

One of the tasks I had to do for Chapter 5 of the design book was to take a photo, or a portion of one, stick it on a drawing paper, and extend it by drawing around it to make it a bigger "picture". I didn't like what I did for Ali, so I drew another one.

This is the original photo, which I took while working on P2P.

This is my extended picture drawing.

This task is time consuming, but depending on the photo, it can be interesting.


  1. I know your pic is of some distorted lights, but in your extension, I see octopus tenticles. It's a really interesting creative exercise.

  2. Me, too. Great minds, yes?

    The photo is of a fake-silk, fake-(I think)-shibori top, inside the closet. I closed the closet door, with me inside, and used flash. The original picture was color (very little of it) so I turned in B/W. You can still make out the tiny shibori dots and the fake-silk wrinkles in the original pic if you know what you looking at.

  3. Oh how cool! I really thought it was lights as in strung lanterns. I love the whole idea of it.

  4. Yeah, it was cool. P2P sure stretched me in different directions. I'm glad I can recycle some of the resources, though I also discarded a whole bunch of photographs afterwards, too. Some uninteresting at the time, some due to space restrictions.


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