


No picture today. I'm too embarrassed. I'm having an old problem I thought I overcame in 2000 - somehow I measure the warp incorrectly. I wanted a 150cm piece, so with loom waste and sampling, I made a 220cm warp. The sample was approximately 25cm; the loom waste on this loom is minimal, but I suspect I'm going to be able to weave up to about... 120cm only - maybe less.

I had something like five consecutive warps in 2000 where I got pieces drastically shorter than I had planned, and I can't remember how or when but I thought I had overcome that problem. Come to think of it, I rarely make a warp for one piece only, rarely shorter than 8m, so I might have been getting around the problem, not overcoming it.

OH, BOY, AM I FRUSTRATED AND MAD AT MYSELF!! This was not a project I needed to make such an elementary boo boo, but what can I do? I'll finish it anyway, (OK, shorter weaving time, ha ha..) wet finish, photograph, etc. But I don't know if I can wear it. I looks like a Lilliputian table center, folks!


  1. Thank you, Trapunto. The pain of not having learned something after 10 years, it's a rare thing. Grr...

  2. Do you know why you ended up short? Was the loom waste allowance just not enough? Did you cut the sample off, creating extra waste? I'm always a bit vague about loom waste myself, and also prone to get carried away with sampling...

  3. I think in the first instance I underestimate loom waste, pretty badly, Cally. I tried not to get carried away with sampling, but I seldom think of the bits before and after the woven part, i.e. the fringed part, and I think I was cutting it so closely that I got a bit careless.

    What disappoints me the most is that I honestly thought I was beyond this, but no, it's only the 8 meters that had stood me in good stead.

  4. I also underestimate loom waste. But do remember that one of the wonderful things about weaving is that it always has the potential to surprise, and sometimes the surprises aren't what we'd like.

  5. Geodyne, sometimes surprises can be a rude one, though, yes? Or does this mean I'm about to make friends with someone even shorter than me?

  6. That's an interesting thought from Geodyne: it would be easy not to notice the good surprises as readily as the bad ones - we might just attribute them to our own wonderful weaving skills - and then we'd think the bad ones were all out of proportion rather than simply being the bottom half of the surprise sample. Or maybe it's the other way around. Or maybe I don't know what I'm talking about (NOT a surprise).

  7. It must be something in the air. I'm dealing with a warp that is going to be short too. I think the loom fairies snuck in and shortened it, it couldn't be MY error :)

  8. Cally, I'm not feeling exactly forgiving towards myself, but why is it that one can be so much kinder to others? Well, at least I'm glad it's not the other way around.

    Restless, goodness, your house, too? I'm glad to know I'm not regressing in my weaving knowledge, then. It's them critters!


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