15 candidates, but I think three or four will come out, perhaps more. Quite a difference from when I had to have a lie down after adding just a few colors in supplementary warp only 18 months ago. I think I can say I am making progress.
Luckily, I have far more choices of oranges in my 2/60, so planning the tabby colors has been the best part of this project so far.
Wonderful colours, how exciting cones of yarn are to weaver, I'm looking forward to seeing where you go from here!
Do you get giddy looking at cones, too, Dorothy? I just get a little bit insane, even if I can tell right away that the yarn on the cones may be something I'll shy away from.
Wow, I'm just starting to weave. I own exactly two cones of rug warp -- red and yellow. I don't even know what to buy next, when I get a little extra money after spending a little bundle on the loom, bench, etc. How do you pick warp for a project? What did you start with? And can I just look at your warp photos and drool?
Sunny, we all look at each other's cones and warp photos and drool, so join the happy weavers. And give yourself maybe two or three trips to the real-life or Internet yarn shops and you'll be screaming out for more stash space. I know you know this, because I suspect you already have a healthy quilt material stash!
How do I pick the warp for a project? At the start, I did two things - I familiarized myself with all the yarns I had (very easy when I only had a few cones of different navy blue yarns) - shrinkage, stretchiness on the loom, touch after it's been woven, washed and pressed, and the size. Then I looked around for a suitable project.
The other thing is, I looked at anything and everything I liked around me, including what other weavers wove, and, ummm... picked and pulled until I could guess what they were. Of course most other weavers are more than happy to tell you what it is, and even where they got it from.
Early on, I had such a limited choice of yarns and I don't have a weaving shop I can go to around me, so I studied why I liked something, and then tried to weave them in whatever yarns I had, in different scales and different texture, but a similar look.
Does that help any???
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