
Thinking Cap

I can't recall the last time I had so much fun with a fiber project. Some of the best things about these two tea cosies were the multitude of colors, and that I had no idea what they were going to end up looking like as I worked on them. There must be a way to include that kind of enjoyment in my work, surely.

With the tea cosy project out of the way, I spent the afternoon studying and manipulating pictures for P2P, and weaving more Summer & Winter samples. A few ideas are slowly converging in my head, I think, and in a few days will become clearer to me so I can make it on my loom.

At least I now have a colorful thinking cap to wear in the cold mornings.


Theresa said...

Isn't it grand! Both in the looks and the fun. Gotta love those smaller knit projects.

Cate Rose said...

I love it Meg, especially the part about it being a hat instead of a tea cozy!

Meg said...

Sea annemone, I thought! It's very warm and nice in my cold house.

Dorothy said...

Superb Meg! A very creative thinking cap for amazing new ideas.

Meg said...

Thank you, Dot, and thank you for all your help with the spinning/yarn. I do need your magazine, and now you know it!

Geodyne said...

Meg, it's just fabulous!

Meg said...

I was just reading that you've been knitting, too. But a more sane project, I 'm sure. Welcome back, Geodyne. We missed you very much!