Well, I understand Ben won school honors when he was a student, quite a lot of them, but me, just once, and it was oh, so, insignificant.
If it's for a good cause, we still buy whole books of raffle tickets, but we don't win. Once, while we lived in Auckland, we won a trip to Golden Bay, just north of Nelson, (airfare on Ansett!), but they couldn't accommodate us when we wanted to travel, so we took parts of the prize after we moved to Nelson: two nights accommodation and a dinner. It was wonderful, but somewhat anticlimactic. And yet, I keep hoping, and continue to send for giveaways, especially when there is a book at stake. And we buy raffle tickets.
So, imagine me jumping up and down when I got an email from DEA Yarns saying I won a draw! For 7kg of yarns!! And other than the natural merino, I was asked to pick the colors, so they are definitely not stuff they are trying to unload. It even included 2kg of my favorite 2/20 cottons.
The wool under the brick/rust red is a lovely dark blue slate color - I could see it when photographing, but it doesn't show in the photo.
Congratulations! I am sad that DEA has pretty much closed up here with minimal stock in Melbourne now. It is hard to find 2/20 cottons here!
Congratulations, what a nice win!
Wow! Congratulations Meg. I'm looking forward to seeing some great weaving with that lot. Have heaps of fun.
Hurrah!!! What fun.
Thanks, everybody.
Rose, I did think of donating to MW, but I got very greedy, and went on ordering all my colors...
I should save my raffle tickets and books and make something from them one day, even. Though they usually get used in the winter to start the fire.
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