

Unravelling is four today. Thank you for your company, your help, encouragement, and for laughing at my lame jokes and somewhat off-kilter view of life.

By the time you read this, I'll be helping Ali thread her loom, doing the part of weaving I almost love more than anything else now. Then I have a rather serious dental appointment, and then tonight, I'll have Ali and Rosie over for a couple of episodes of NZ art history, sharing funny teas and gluten-free treats, if I can find any in the afternoon.

Have a lovely weekend.


Dianne said...

Wow, congratulations. What a lot of talk. It also means its 4 years since the Randy workshop - boy time flies.

Julia Lines said...

congrats Meg! i love your blog- no matter the subject. many happy returns!

Cate Rose said...

Congrats, Meg!!

Meg said...

Thank you, ladies. It's been a fun four years. I can't imagine my life without Unravelling several times a day now.

Lynn said...

Happy blogiversary! I really enjoy your blog - thanks!

Meg said...

Thank you, Lynn. It turned out to be quite a nice day.

Unknown said...

I love Megs nest.

Meg said...

Thank you, Pamela. I borrowed it for a day.

Life Looms Large said...

Congrats on 4 years!!! I hope to be reading your blog for many more!!!


Meg said...

Thank you, Sue. At this rate, I may not run out of rants for a wee while yet.