

Friday's Loot

Busy Friday, still without my camera. Yes, I checked at the camera shop and, No, Simon said my baby is not back yet. Simon owns the camera shop.

This being Friday I had my drawing class. I don't know why or how it happened but this term I feel more confident, in as much as I am not flustered easily, but I feel grown up. Or thick-skinned. Which is good. It might have to do with having cool, calm Cathrine next to me; I'm easily influenced like that. It's a good thing as the end of this term, in three weeks, marks the end of my second year of these lessons, and if I haven't learned anything else, I have picked up some composure.

I said confident, not competent.

Today, I had the pleasure of having a long leisurely lunch with Carol. We discussed books, textiles, Japan, parents, and books. And we had a brief look around the Suter gallery. I met her at the Writer's Retreat nearly two years ago, but we've been mostly blog- and Facebook-friends since she lives in Australia. Thanks for a lovely afternoon, Carol. (Again, no pictures...)

And speaking of Australia, I got my own India Flint "Eco Color" book. Rumor has it she might come to Nelson later in the year for a workshop; I got myself on the mailing list, so I thought I should study a little. If you haven't seen this book, let me tell you, it's a beautifully and lovingly produced book, a real treasure. Now I'm looking forward to picking up the wisdom within. (I might be able to take a picture of this tomorrow, but it'll look the same as the one on her website.)

I am ever so slowly motivating myself towards dyeing, you see.

Then I found these two ribbons in the notions store. One I thought was French, until I came out of the shop and their florescent lights; I was disappointed and disillusioned because the colors look so different under natural light. Under the florescent lights, it looked more nuanced and subtle and I think parts of the purple looked bluer. The other, it's plain weave, shot-like, but possibly with the finest boucle yarns I've ever seen. (This I will try to photograph tomorrow and show you.)

Then I went to the Trade Aid shop and found two sweet, handmade Indian bags. I hummed and huhed because I don't need another bag, but they were so cute, I decided Mom had to have one. Except I may need it more than her... And there is another one, simpler embroidery but an interesting shape, still at the store; I may need that one, too. (I will show you the one I got tomorrow, as well.)

I'm reading Sarah Dunant's "Sacred Hearts". Though I went to a convent school, (and it wasn't a boarding school), and church in Japan in the 1960's and early 70's, this novel taking place in a fictional convent in Ferrara, Italy, in the 1570's have eerie echoes of my experiences; not the setting, not exactly the life, but the teachings, the nuns, the politics, and the constant guilt and shame one is made to feel. I get really uncomfortable from time to time, but not enough to stop reading.

We came home to a "You Were Not Home" card from the courier announcing our printer awaits us in their office; it sat on top of a big box of ... ahem... merino cones. My yarn-buying is now officially more serious than my book-buying.

Saturday tomorrow!

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