This is what they're doing:
1) Collect three (or more if you like, but no more than, say, six) photographs/clipping/drawing to inspire a weaver. (May I suggest three different types of photos, for example one abstract, one emotional, and one something else, in case the recipient has very different taste/sensibilities from yours?)
2) Put all three in an envelope, and a personal message if you like. Send it to your weaver recipient. Keep an eye on your mail box for a similar envelope coming your way.
3) Plan a project based on one of the images.
4) Photograph it, sketch it, write about it, or blog about it. And weave it. Prepare to publish your project on the first weekend of June 2010. Include in the post:
- All original images you received; all of them in one snapshot is good;
- Whatever thoughts and images from your creative process you like. "Didn't Work" pics work, too.
I thought paper pictures are tangible and portable and therefore preferable to exchanging JPG files. The printed papers have textures, and we could carry them around and feel them or paste them into our sketchbooks or pin them on our walls. They don't need to be printed JPGs either; postcards, newspaper or mag clipping, anything with an image.
Stay tuned, everybody!
The best I can think of is "From Pix to Picks", but that feels so lame, ladies and gents...
Creative weavers challenge, no Weavers creative exchange... just thinking.
Not sure if it's important, but think of the acronym, too, if you like, my lovely friend.
IBM (Inspiration By Mail)
Weaving ExtrA Via Envelope
(Not brilliant. I'll keep thinking)
weaving excellence and via envelope ????
Woven exhibit arrives via envelope.....
Weavers embellish a volatile expression?
Woven embellishments attract Vixen emotions...
wilted explanation aims very eccentric
I just checked my emails and saw "wilted explanation aims very eccentric" and thought it was a junk mail!!! You're faithful to the acronym, Susan. I like "Weavers embellish a volatile expression" and "Woven embellishments attract Vixen emotions".
"You Inspire Me" ????? As in a statement, or a directive! YIM sounds like a delicious Chinese dish...
oh I would love to participate in this!
Of course, Julia. There's PLENTY of time.
The BEST idea Meg! I would love to be in it!
Duly noted. Thanks, Kaz!
i like the idea of this challenge! in a french mood tonite, so these came from google translator:
photo defi/picture challenge
tissage inspires par des images/weaving inspired by images
(minus accent marks, as i can't copy and paste in comments, it seems...)
would like to play - will email you~
Meg, Sounds like great fun! I'm in too♥ Shirley.
Lovely, Shirley. Nice to have more Aussie weavers!
Lovely, Linda. I'm in this kind of Southern French mood ever since I spoke with my Sister in Law.
sign me up!
Yup, sure.
Hello I am a weaver from the UK would it be possible for me to take part? Would love to if not too late!
Julie, if you can work quickly, I don't think it's too late. Please email me?
I'm so sorry I didn't see this sooner - what an inspiring idea! I'd love to participate if you should coordinate another round...
Heather in AZ
Hi, Heather. I have no idea what will happen nor when, but keep an eye on us - we do something usually once a year, and sometimes something a little easier in between. :-)
Me too! I'd love to do something like this. What fun!
Would it be ok if I copied your idea and did it with some other folks?
Anne-Marie, maybe next year, yes?
PattyAnne, of course you can, under one condition: you must let us know when and where it's happening, because I think many of us will be interested in reading about it, particularly those of us who struggled with our own this time around.
Oh darn, missed this one. Am looking forward to seeing the results!
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