

Handmade Nation / Weight of a Ponytail / Waiheke Invite canceled my order for the Handmade Nation DVD and refunded me, saying my address was "undeliverable". Funny, considering we've been buying things for donkey's years (is that the expression?) at this address. I wonder if it has to do with the DVD zones; did you know New Zealand is in Zone 4, which is supposed to be one of the worst in piloting and such? Even though most of us have players that can play DVDs from any zone. I've asked for more explanation, and "My Account" shows the DVD is en route! Textile Lunchers are coming to my house on November 27th for one last Hurrah of the year, and we thought we'd have a New Zealand premier of the said documentary, so if I'm not getting it, I need to think of another entertainment!

Meanwhile, I've had a mild cold, with a mild fever, a killer scratchy throat, and would you believe it, a scalp pain because my pony tail is pulling it back! My hair isn't that long now, and the ponytail is nowhere as bushy or fluffy as it used to be, but still, the top of my forehead has been hurting. And my hair isn't long enough to wear the bun on top of my head. So I'm walking around like a deranged hag, with my hair down!

Because of the mild cold and a scalp-ache, I had to cancel Mentor Ali session and also not go to the last (of the year) Nelson Decorative and Fine Arts lecture on Wednesday. In fact, I stayed in bed most of Wednesday afternoon and Thursday, but I made myself go to the drawing class this morning, and I'm glad I went. We're now doing composition, until the end of the year which is in three weeks, and it's a whole new territory, but one I'm interested in, and it just so happens, the current design module deals with it, too.

In spite of my repeated emails and even a long-distance phone call over the months, I haven't received the printed invite for Feel of Fibre from Waiheke Art Gallery. Some galleries have sent me DVDs of photos of the exhibition and extra catalogues, but I guess not this one. Pity, because this invite looks so cute!

Have a good weekend, everybody. (My sister's birthday today; she was born on Friday the 13th and it's her lucky day!)

EDIT: They told me the DVD is on its way but they can't track it. Hummmm...


  1. Meg, you could never look like a deranged hag! Feel like one maybe. Now I come to think of it, it's rather a look I don't mind for myself - wild hair (always), crazed look (sometimes), keeps people out of my way, anyway. Hope you're feeling better. And thank you for your kind words, that does help.

  2. Carol, today my voice sounds like a deranged hag, and I'm quite enjoying it. We went into the hardware store (again) and i had my dark-from-the-outside sunglasses on, and walked around the store with a thin aluminum slat about 1 meter long. Ben said I looked very dangerous!


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