

Urgent, Please Help Me!

I used to use a lavender-scented moth protection in my wool room; it was a little strong (because I used lots), expensive, and short-lived, but it worked well since 2000 when I first set up my stash room.

That product is either no longer available or very scarce and I haven't seen it in the supermarkets, except sporadically, for a few years, so yesterday I gave in and bought those white chemical mossballs for my stash. I also have one of those automatic spray bug killers, too.

I didn't use a lot of the balls, and the leftover is in two resealable plastic bags, but the smell is overwhelming and I can't stay in my stash room and when I come out I have a strange chemical taste in my mouth.

If you know of any reasonable natural/herbal alternatives, I would very much appreciate suggestions. I might even burn some incense because besides weaving, I've resumed enjoying lining up balls and cones for my next few projects, among other things.

Thanks a million in advance.

PS. Happy Thanksgiving, Canada.


  1. I've been reading for a while, but this is the first time I've commented. I heard some interesting advice from a yarn store owner: instead of trying to completely repel the bugs and moths she used bait yarn to keep them away from her other yarn. Apparently, if she left some softly spun, fluffy, fancy yarn easily available--haloed cashmere and things like that, they would go for the gourmet fiber and leave the rest of her stuff alone. I haven't tried it, but I am the same way with chemical moth repellent. I recently threw away some camphor-drenched second hand wool; I realized I could never bear to work with it. So far I've gotten by with plastic containers. My mom kept sweaters in the freezer. It was supposed to kill the eggs or something. Not practical for an entire stash!

  2. Bait yarn? Well, I never heard of this idea before. Seriously? Did it work for the yarn store owner?

  3. She said it did, but then maybe she had unusually choosy moths. It does sound weird.

  4. LOL! Or a particularly appetizing ball! What surprised me is I had slight damage to a piece woven with inferior yarns - my silks and cashmeres and good merinos have been safe so far. I wondered if the difference was in the dyes or dye process and associated chemicals. Or whether I was particularly careful of the more expensive yarns - which, I don't think is likely. I treat all my yarns equally.

  5. "they" say that moths like to lay their eggs where it's dark and enclosed. So if your stash is out in the light and you go through it regularly, that's meant to really help. Also anything that masks the smell of wool (liek lavender etc) can keep moths away. Your stash room looks pretty aight and airy. Hi Trapunto *wave*.

  6. So, any place not dark and now enclosed. Check.

    I think the trick is to go through them often. I can do this, especially the wool and cotton boxes. (But not a lot of problems with cottons.) Silk, not so easy, so I must make an effort.


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