

Stash Sale

Stash sale went well, thanks. I think as an event, it was a resounding success, and kudos to Jo Kinross for planning and organizing. *Applause! Applause!*

Eight practicing fiber artists/crafters brought their "stash" and put them on trestle tables in two front rooms of the historic Melrose House. There were lots of yarns, fabric, books, and a little bit of kits, patterns and equipment. Some had beautiful "stalls" carefully displayed, while mine looked like an average garage/yard/junk sale table, and a messy one at that. But I did well; I geuninely didn't want to bring things home so I priced my things ridiculously low. (To you Kiwis, gold and silver coins.) So people didn't have to think much before they open their wallets. Three people thought my things were worth more and gave me more than I asked for!! My best sellers were small embroidered pieces I collected which I intended to include in garments that I lugged around for nearly 30 years. From the looks of it, though nobody was cleaned out, everybody did well because the tables had gaps by the time we were packing up.

Stall holders foraged other stalls, but miraculously, it wasn't hard for me to resist; I was ever so mindful I still have too much for my stash room, and I really didn't want to add to that.

Visitors came trickling in all day, from well before we opened at 11AM, to a little after 3PM. Many were fellow crafters, pensioners, and a few art students at the local Polytech, looking for a bargain or coming to see friends who had a stall. Some were tourists, I think, visiting the historic house. I caught up with a few people I hadn't seen for ages, including Adel, whom I knew in my previous-previous-previous life in the International Students Office in 1998, and one of my favorite art teacher Judith who I was told had moved to Wellington!

The bittersweet thing to me was the number of people, and I must add older Kiwi women, who did not know what reeds and shuttles were for. I was actually astounded, and as regards reeds, I had to explain the basic structure of a loom for them to get the picture. One woman asked if they were musical instruments. Most of my weaving equipment came home with me.

The cafe was also successful, with savories and cakes and bickies. I don't know how my Madeira did, I was too shy to ask, but it was cut fare more elegantly than I was ever able to. A constant trickle of were having nice cups of coffee and tea in dainty antique cups with matching cake plates.

Sorry, I've no photo from yesterday; we pretty much had to stay at our stations all day. But Jo thinks this could become an annual event, and if so I'm so there, because I have years' worth of stuff still.

(OK, Ben had some.)


  1. The smile is worth a multitude of gold coins.

  2. Ben was taking continuous multiple shots and he says at the start I had a more business-like smile, but towards the end I was cracking up telling him he's taken enough!! And shock, horror, that's my temporary just-out-of-the-shower hairdo, and not my properly combed ponytail!!!

  3. You look fabulous my dear - there you are!

    I'd have loved to have been able to browse the stalls. Searching for gems at such sales is such fun.

  4. Thanks, Geodyne. My eyes look like a bad cartoon of a prototype "Asian", I thought. I really must work on my weight problem!

    I think the event would be even more interesting as it grows and we have a few more stalls. The great thing is it's not just weavers, so there is a variety of material and a variety of ways people think of using them. And a few women who have been "in the business" for a while so if there is something you don't know about wool or dye or similar, there are walking encyclopedias available.

  5. Meg, it was a joy to see you there, especially as I haven't seen you for over a year. Your hair was fine, your eyes were smiling and your imagination is just running overtime when you criticise yourself. I just wish I'd been there so see the sale and to keep you company. Maybe in the next few months I'll be able to get to NZ...

  6. Do let us know for sure before you board your plane, Carol!


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