

Element of Surprise

I have been weaving, finally, after being asked to bring in more smaller scarves to the museum shop. Twice. I know, very bad priorities. My mind has been on a) the stash room, b) the severe cold, and c) drawing.

Everybody who took Ronette's drawing class last year is asked to select one piece for an exhibition in August. At the same time, we've all been experimenting with different media, styles and paper preparation. My favorite has been to prepare a small area of the paper with gesso and drawing with willow charcoal, but I am trying all sorts.

Because all work needs to be matted and framed, I've been thinking about cropping at the preparation stage, and I'm amazed how what I learned from photo-cropping has helped. I give myself a size and a shape and fit an attractive area of a body in it, kind of like a reverse cropping. It's also my way of cheating, a little, because I still can't get contours/proportions right, and I have so seldom managed to fit an entire body on paper. We also have art teachers, graphic designers, and Who-Knows-What-Elses whose works intimidate me enough to make me physically sick, so this is my way of showing what I can do.

I never know what the final drawing is going to look like until I peel off the newsprint and the tapes, which is so different from my weaving. It's all exciting!


  1. Work with your strengths, my dear. It's what everyone does!

  2. Yes! Drawing being my hobby/play time, I feel more at liberty to experiment and worry less, and if something really doesn't work, I just chuck it into the fire.

  3. Make the scarves Meg! Your drawings are very interesting & I can see why you feel excited about seeing how they turn out. Experiment and enjoy the experience. And show us your results.

  4. Yes, in a year's time. I've resined to the fact that shortest turnaround time for new influences to my work takes about a year - if not much longer... Yikes... We're still fiddling around with the stash room this weekend, but hopefully I can finish working ON the room this week and start working IN it soon-ish...


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