Weaving, Trying to Make Sense of my Time at the Bottom of this Planet, Occasionally Tending our Sisyphaen Patch
by the Goddess of Procrastination and Expert Forgetter
Andrea's Weaving Books / Inserting from the Underside
Andrea Chandler, one of the Textile Lunchers, collects old (and new) craft books of all kinds, including some that contain "revolting" (her words) projects, for fun and prosperity. She loaned me some in May, and this was my favorite, a tiny volume about half the size of a currency note/bill.

I was attracted to two old-looking structures that I would like to try at some point. The first is called "Russian Diapers"!! I'm not sure how this feels against new-born tushies, but I liked the warped, bent look.

The second is called "Whig Rose" and uses textured yarns. The weaving instruction says, "In each shed insert from the underside some light colored boucle wool made by 1&4..." What do you suppose "insert from the underside" mean? I'm not sure from the photograph, so I'll have to experiment.

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I have a picure of that Whig Rose in a book about local 'dräll' (daldräll). Daldräll is a simplified kind of overshot, weaved in 4 shaft. And the picture is from a weaving book (1847).
Then I should look up drall, Desiree?
I'm not very good at this myself. I could send you some copies from the book, but it's all in Swedish.
'Diaper pattern' originally meant cloth with small repeat pattern, then came to mean textured fabric (textured weave being a small repeat pattern) so the diagrams and their discription make sense in light of that. As to the question of 'insert from ythe undrside' - could mean from the back, or could mean somhow burying the thread from within the weave, as in quilting, so that the thread end doesn't show anywhere .... just my 2c worth
Desiree, if I could impose, if the pages have pictures or illustrations or drafts AND the finished textile pictures, do you mind scanning and sending me one or two examples? I have a weaver friend Ali in Nelson who understands "weaving-only Norwegian" which we understand would be pretty darn close to what I would need?
Alison, thank you for that! I'm so relived Russian babies didn't have to suffer scratchy wooly but beautifully crafted diapers!!
I might have to ask on Weavolution once I figure out how go do this, perhaps... I'm reluctant to spend more time on it at the moment because it's so multi-leveled...
I really love this little book too. I think it also has some 'Australian' weaves like Bushfires or something. I think it is an historical booklet because it is a little attempt to attach patterns to experiences in our region. I had a small A5 hardcover of it once.I always wondered what became of the author and I think she moved into Photography.
I have a couple of copies of this book too. I call it my little book of fun. I like the laces in it, so old school, love it.
So was this like an iconic, must-have wee one? For its size, there certainly was a lot of information packed between the covers.
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