
Word of the Day

coruscate \KOR-uh-skayt\, verb:
1. To give off or reflect bright beams or flashes of light; to sparkle.
2. To exhibit brilliant, sparkling technique or style.

If only...


Peg in South Carolina said...

check the spelling of your word.........

Meg said...

Here's another definition. I like this one, I shall try to use it once today... There is a "Koru" in it, as well as a "chorus", kind of. Curiouser and curiouser.

   /ˈkɔrəˌskeɪt, ˈkɒr-/ [kawr-uh-skeyt, kor-]
–verb (used without object), -cat⋅ed, -cat⋅ing.
to emit vivid flashes of light; sparkle; scintillate; gleam.

taueret said...

it's a lovely word, isn't it.

Meg said...

A woman after my own heart!