
The Last Word

Every time I see the photo I used in my previous post, I fall into a "Let Us Pray" moment of silence. That is my favorite of Taueret's scarves and photos, but I couldn't walk away without showing you these in case you didn't go to her Flickr. Just can't leave a good post to stand on its own without interjecting a few more words, or pics in this case.

All photos were posted by permission; ©Taueret_Spins, 2008


desiree said...

"Let us pray" moment - What expression! Never herd, and still... I get speechless.

Meg said...

I am a lapsed Catholic, KD. I think "Let us pray" and my head goes down automatically and my mind silent. It's actually a good device to force me to contemplate without words.

Taueret said...


Meg said...

And I'm still scrutinizing your pics.

Dana and Daisy said...

gorgeous, really, makes me think I should try harder.

Meg said...

Or be more playful?