I promised I won't bore you any more with our renovation stories, but we finally passed inspection on the third go. I don't know why we didn't pass it the second time around because we already had the nice, smart valves installed then but there we go. It means starting tonight we can use the new wood burner. It would have finished much quicker if tradesmen and inspectors spoke to each other instead of speaking through me, a total dummy in this matter, but I think the project is over. Except the paying the $ part, of course.
The house is still in chaos, but now it is our chaos and we need to continue to put the house back in order. And clean and repaint on the way.
2009 finally starts for me.
Since it is a new year, you should break out the bubbly!
Thank you, Dana. I was thinking that from 3:47 onwards, but finally got it at 8:00!! Nice.... Just so relieved, even though we have truckloads of weekends coming up just working on the house, but all the balls are in our court now.