
Goodness Me!

Forgive me if this is very old news to you.

If you know the ISBN number of a book, you can go to Wiki and look it up, scroll way down to Australasia, then New Zealand, only to find neither Nelson nor Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology libraries have what I want. I could have guessed, but it's disappointing/humiliating on a global scale.


desiree said...

Is it not possible that the library loans the book from another library?

My little local library lend a book from Gothenburg for me. A book about knitting.

Meg said...

Thank you for the reminder. I think that IS an option. I hadn't thought of it, KD!! In many ways, I'm still not used to living in a small community.

Dana and Daisy said...

Thank you Meg!

Meg said...

Oh, you did not know what a small collection my libraries have... Tee hee.... enjoy your time in the cabin, Dana.