
Well, What Can I Say...

A doctor (not sure if she's MD or PhD) apparently bought ten of my cashmere scarves at the Red today. As gifts. Hard to believe... On the other hand, my hours at the Red have been reduced. I'm happy to weave some more little gems. But I don't know what to make of the two news.


Anonymous said...


and only u would wonder if an MD or a PhD. hahah

Meg said...

Just didn't want to assume, y'know.

Peg in South Carolina said...

Don't try to make anything of it, just enjoy and keep moving.

Meg said...

Trying not to, Peg. There's a new staff with a tremendous influence, making me uncomfortable in a vague, general way.

Cate Rose said...

Ten scarves in one fell swoop!? Never say never, huh?

Meg said...

Well, I guess so, Connie. Now I can pay our accountant.