Look, look, my loot! We hadn't made it to Blenheim, so last Monday, Rose Pelvin stopped by to drop off my towels, and quite a few other things.

"Minty Fresh Towel" by Susan B. Mint green is Hubby's favorite color. The weave looks open but is stable and spongy and the towel is luuuuuuvly to touch. Thank you, Susan.

"A Toast to Blue Skies" by
Rose Pelvin. The fact is, these are candlesticks, and they definitely look more like candlesticks in real life, but when I first saw the photograph, and considering Rose is from Blenheim, the center of Marlborough, New Zealand's oldest and largest (?) wine region, I couldn't help myself but see wineglasses, so Rose named it thus.

Being among friends, I don't think Rose would mind my showing you the reverse side as well. they look like flat bottomed flasks. (Chemist's daughter coming through.)

That wasn't all. Rose lent me a memory stick with lots of pics from
our group's first meeting of the year; she lent me
one of the books I've been coveting, and got the other one out of the Guild library; and gave me another wee towel to boot.

But here's the lovely thing about Rose. It's not just the content, but the packaging. This wee bag held the wee towel, but the handle comes off and, voilà, it's one of her signature bookmarks.
You spoil me, Rose.
Today, in Blenheim, the Marlborough Weavers meet and among other things they will discuss whether to officially sanction the group blog. I'd like to go and state my case, and I even prepared a short spiel, but I don't know if I can make it; Rose will address the group on my behalf if I'm not there, but I feel terribly nervous about it all either way.
I'm glad you finally got the towel, Meg! Your photograph makes it look very good! And I'm so pleased I got Rose's other towel!
Hello, Susan. Sorry about the delay, but yes, they are here, shot and loaded, as it were. It's interesting how your waffle weave looks delicate, but is in fact quite sturdy. Never tried waffle weave; maybe, maybe...
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