Construction finished early today - before lunch. So I vacuumed and wiped the surfaces again. Then had lunch. And though I was all ready to either keep weaving the shadow weave scarf or to hem four scarves I've finished this side of July 2008, I was too tired I had a nap. And read. I must tell you about this book, "Native Wit", in some detail soon.
Then I got ready to go to a lecture, and while waiting for the bus at the bus stop, Claudia Lacher drove by and gave me a lift into town. I hadn't seen her since... Tim Wraight's birthday, so that's late November. They are going to Switzerland for Tim to take on a big private commission next month. Hooray. Short, sharp catch up and a promise for drinkies in eight days.
I went to the Suter for a lecture on the origins of the Maori, the indigenous New Zealanders, from the DNA perspective, by Dr Adele Whyte. It seems a whole lot of East Polynesians are related to a few of the native Taiwanese tribes. Fascinating stuff. On Tuesday there is going to be a lecture by a forensic specialist.
Then Ben had the bright idea to get Indian takeaway. And it was wonderful, except the 30+ minutes wait. Then I came home to find I finally got the quirky cashmere scarf from Mom in the mail; I still can't believe I wove this one, but the gray weft tones down the warp colors quite a bit. In retrospect, I should have been more adventurous. Pics this weekend, I promise.
I've been seconded to trying out Twitter. Again. I don't get that, kind of... But I like being connected to friends. I'm not sure what I'm doing there. I said in my one line bio that I'm a technophile/Luddite cross.
Good day, all in all. Figure drawing tomorrow. Theater Saturday night. And in between these, I must catch the textile awards show. Seriously. Gee, why can't I write short, sharp posts?
It's coming along!
Well, yes and now. We're going to ask the shelves to be redone. Disappointing and distressing.
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