

Rushing Like Everybody Else!

Thank you for your emails concerning my health. I've actually been pretty good, just feeling old and harassed by my own body; mental-health wise I've not felt this good in over six years. But I've been preoccupied with the textile awards project. I ran into Ronnie Martin, one of the organizers of the Awards, and she told me that, in short, they are looking for, "Oh my! Is this still textile?" style art. Which is so not me as we know, and yet I would like to put something in.

In terms of blogging, I've got a dozen draft posts again waiting for me to sit long enough to reread and post, but I've not had the head space for it. Something to do with the pre-Christmas rush, too. We've no reason to feel rushed; in fact, with no exhibitions, market stalls, or visitors from Japan pending, this is going to be the most relaxed holiday season in three or four years, except of course the Awards project. Still, everybody else seem rushed off their feet and their stress feels a wee bit contagious. And I feel extra good because I know Ben already loves his present; I've already told him I'm buying him a few products so he can spend his two week holiday selecting his photos and ordering them. My present-buying has been hit-and-miss, with more misses in the last few years, so this is wonderful.

My cotton yarns have gone up in price, but I got my two huge boxes and am waiting for my last tiny box, (Dear Vendor forgot to put two cones and the paperwork in the last box!) sitting pretty, all over the house. Boy, I have good taste in selecting colors!

Heather, to whom I loaned my beloved rigid heddle loom in July, rang to tell me that since then she bought a foldable rigid heddle loom and a four-shaft table loom, and she blames me! Our mutual friend Marj told me Heather gave someone a handwoven scarf, so she's been busy. She'll come over to return my RH after Christmas and we'll talk about the variety of things she can do with the four-shaft, but I'm pretty pleased that this year, if nothing else, I've increased the number of weavers in this world by one!

As I said, we're looking forward to a relaxing holiday season, so I hope I'll be able to post my pending thoughts, but if I don't see you in the meanwhile, or more probably, if you're too busy to be seen, I do wish you all a wonderful holiday season and a happy start to the new year.


  1. Good to hear from you, Meg. Glad you're feeling better. And I'm also glad for you that your holidays will be more relaxed than usual, this year. I hope they're better this year than ever!

  2. A friend reminded me of a saying today that I will share with you, remember to look for the gee in joy!
    I am challenged to do that and invite you to join with me.

    Peace and Joy to you Meg.

  3. Thank you, Connie. Yes, I am looking forward to relaxing a bit, but I'll be thinking about this Awards project, that's for sure.

    Dana, gee? As in "Gee, whiz!"?? Sounds fun.

  4. So pleased to read you're on the mend, Meg. Do take it easy and rest up. That way you'll be in prime condition to wow them with your entry to the awards!

  5. Yesterday, Sunday, we relaxed much too much OD-ing on Christmas TV specials, even without the aid of bubblies. It was nice.

  6. Dear Meg:
    I have so enjoyed our friendship and kindred thoughts on life and art and all things in between this past year. May you have a blessed holiday and may 2009 bring you much peace.

    Love, Dana


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