

Looking for Concepts

I've been telling myself to get off the computer, eat lunch, and go weave the last bit on the big loom, for approximately six hours, but I'm still looking for concepts, or one teeny tiny concept, and happened upon all kinds of far out ideas and instructions by Lynne of The Twisted Warp in a place called Instructables. Mind-boggling.


  1. no concepts there Meg, that's part of my application for grad school!

    Which is at MIT Media Lab....the place of many many concepts, ideas and inspirations.

    specifically applying for Master's work in the Hi-Lo Lab.

    I would suggest finishing your work and having a cocktail on hand before clicking on these links.


  2. Oh, Lynne, anything as foreign (to me) as what you had there are concepts to me at this point. I mean... conductive threads??? The only application I could think of, still, is Santa's hat! What you do is amazing, but sometimes really over my head and my reality, dear. I must check out those web sites and try to understand what you're hoping to do!

  3. You know, I heard about this program, possibly on New Zealand radio, in the last year or so. Sounds fascinating. I hope you'll be able to give us inside info next year.

  4. This summer there was a show sponsered by Australian Network for Art and Technology called Coded Cloth. Perhaps it was from their media that you learned of Media Lab's work.

    your concepts will come to you. Perhaps they already have with your colour theory work?

    funny blogger - the verification word is 'quackine'!

  5. Great website, that Aussie one, but nope, I swear it was on the evening program on National Radio or similar relaxed one...


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