
A Little Spousal Support

In Japan, I'd have to apologize profusely for promoting family members and using a quasi-public forum for personal use, and then post this post. This pic by Ben reminded me of indigo shibori cloth; very Japanese-looking to me.


Taueret said...

it's a lovely pic. i was too shy to comment over there.

Meg said...

No need, Tauret. About 2/3 of comments are from two or three women who love his pics, and then about half of the comments are from Oz, so you'll be in good company. He was staring at it for too long at about 1AM last night, the hought some parts moved!! Hilarious. He jumped about a foot.

Geodyne said...

That's so architectural - lovely.

Meg said...

Aha, architectural... must let him know. Didn't think of that, Geodyne.