

That was the lesson of the day. Finished Scarf 1, but boy, I hadn't realized my picks would change so much, from Don McLean's Best to ... yeah... The Osmonds...

Too many technical errors!!


Anonymous said...

I'll have to bear that in mind....especially as I can listen to anything from soft classical pieces to folk music, all the way to harder pub rock while weaving, depending on my mood!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, I've had that same trouble when I spin yarn. Toe tapping to the faster beats is NOT a good thing. The current yarn in my weft has a whole section of tighter grist from the tempo changes in the music when changing from Gregorian Chants to some more upbeat disco.

Meg said...

I didn't think American Pie and the Osmonds were too far apart, particularly with the tempo, but while I listen carefully to the words Don McLean sings, I ignore the Brothers' teenage angst, and that's possibly where my problems arose.

Scarf 2 is a little trickier, so I shall stick to my Gregorian Chants, usually reserved for tax return work.

Taueret said...

it's even worse when you don't listen to music. Comedy podcasts and upbeat tech podcasts cause completely different choices and behaviour to political/current events podcasts.

Meg said...

I don't listen to politics while weaving, or warping! And I don't knit, because controlling tension in knitting is so darned hard.

But usually, I do fairly ok with sticking with the same kind of music... Perhaps I should have a new rule: stick to the same group.

Though most times I'm perfectly happy with one CD playing over and over and over for one scarf...