Says Connie: here are the "responsibilities" that go along with receiving this award:
1. Post this award on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate at least 4 other bloggers, and add their links as well.
4. Leave a comment at the new recipients' blogs, so they can pass it on.
You know I don't always read the text in blogs, (therefore leave strange comments based on the photographs I stare at until my eyes hurt), so I might be getting the point of these blogs wrong, but among many that I visit regularly (for me, that is, which is sporadic by world standard), the four blogs I'm going to nominate are:
Kaz's Curious Weaver - weaving teacher extraordinaire across the ditch in Australia. One day I intend to go back to her old blog and start reading from Day 1 all the way to the present. (Actually, I think that about all of your blogs, but Kaz's will be one of the most educational experience.) On days my eyes can't bear reading text on the computer, her "gallery" section is a wonderful resting place. Also, did you catch her purse article in the latest WeaveZine?
Taueret's Fibre Geekery - also from across the ditch; I like her blog because life can't be all weaving, and sometimes we all want to ditch the blog things, don't we? Taueret has a way with words, and I find in her language a kindred spirit of someone who grew up with the North American English but now live Downunder.
Lynne's Twisted Warp - For Lynne, weaving is a means to an end in creating her art garments. I find the reversal (can I call it that?) of the place of weaving interesting. And she has a way with words, too, that make me feel enthusiastic about life and art. She's away just now, but she'll be back.
This is like picking a team in gym class, with which I never felt comfortable. I'm having a hard time with the limit of four, but I'm going outside our weaving circle and picking one of my long-time favorites from the left field.
Lachezar Karajov is an architect in Auckland, New Zealand, and he's been posting one photo of Auckland everyday for a little over two years at Auckland Daily Photo. I love his clear, stylish, beautifully composed photographs. We haven't met him, but one day we will sit in a sunny cafe in Auckland and talk about pics, DP, Bulgaria (where I think he is from), and architecture.
Ummm, his web host has been being naughty and mucking up ADP so you will be redirected to his other, just as wonderful (artier?) photo blog for the time being. But I beg you to check out ADP when it's back on track; I guarantee it'll be worth the trip.
Wow, Meg, I didn't know this was your VERY FIRST blue ribbon! I'm doubly glad I gave it to you. You certainly deserve it!
!!! Meg!!! thank you so much, I'm honoured.
Connie, it certainly is. The only thing I won in school was short distance running and just for a couple of years.
Taueret, the honor is mine; you deserve it. And seriously? Stick with the tiny shed. Better you than me, but I know we're supposed to pick up new experiences/thoughts/ideas from adversities. Since I avoid adversities often, you might have to carry my load, too.
Meg - how lucky I am to have received such a great complement - and with those other inspiring blogs. Thank you so much.
There are many things I love about weaving but getting together in virtual space is the best.
Pleasure is all mine, and I second what you say about this circle of friends.
yipee for The Blue Ribbon! As I sit here reading the past two months of blogs you deserve it!
and thank you for the nod of appreciation. Its a beautiful world we are in!
Yeah, so you'd better live up to my every expectation. Nah... Just joking... Welcome home.
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