

When's The Last Time You Did Something Really Scary?

I don't like scary things as regards my weaving/art, so I tend to play things safe. It took me nearly three years to approach the Red Gallery to have my work there, and last September I gingerly contacted four museum shops and galleries in Wellington at the time of Re:fine. (Result: nil.) While I'm less afraid of sending things into exhibitions, because you don't see them face to face, I'm a nervous wreck when the possibility of selling enters the game, and often the justification is, "I'll get back to them when my weaving has improved a little."

So, I've admired Lynne for her courage and persistence/consistence. I suspect she entered the Art Business at a younger age and has been practicing a while. I'm particularly impressed someone applies for internships/scholarships/residencies, as she has.

So, when was the last time you did something really scary with your art practice? I have a small challenge I've put off since 2002, and it happens on even-numbered years only; Lynne might have made my mind for me to go for it.


  1. Grandmother's rule #7
    Take Risks.

    Easy to apply, seriously whats the worst that can happen, I am told no thank you. Heck I say that when I am offered broccoli and the broccoli survives.

    Meg, go for it. What ever it may be. The only regret you will have is not trying. Promise.

    Thanks for thinking I am brave, when in reality I am board and lonely. Nothing like dinner with your mom in Tokyo to spice up my life. Now wouldn't that weave our little blogging tribe together!

  2. Yeah, and she'll insist you show her what you're working on, and depending on the season, she'll force one of her scarves on you, but heck, might as well meet real people while you're intern-ing in relative isolation from the rest of the country.

    Keep me updated, so Mom keeps her calendar open for you. My sister-in-law might also be interested in meeting you, too.

  3. I would LOVE a Mom scarf! Wow, just the thought of it....shivers.

    Its all falling together from finding the TWS on, to getting the most impressive letters, to the printer working perfectly hours before the due date and now I already have two friends in Japan!

    Lets hope the jurors like my submittal.

    Its just groovalicious.

  4. Not to mention the A4 papers, Lynne!

  5. ROFL!

    Yes getting the paper was funny. I finally located A4 paper in Denver, purchased a ream. Unsuitable for printing images, and this being the ONLY competition I have ever entered where no photo CD only printed images.

    So I find a supplier in the USA that can send proper Epson A4 paper. I have 2 1/2 weeks so I ship it Ground. The ream is delayed on the other side of the Mississippi due to the floods.

    Needless to say the paper arrives on Thursday and I have a goal of being done on Friday. Pfffft!

    On Monday as I complete the printing I notice a small little sentence in the instructions.

    Place all photos in an A4 envelope.

    A4 envelope.
    Not for purchase.
    No sir-eeeee! Saturday's mail I received an A4 envelope. Steam it open and re-purpose it!

    As the universe is want to do.....the clear 'window' on this reused A4 envelope frames the face of the model on the first picture.

    Its all meant to be.

  6. Gosh, who would have thought getting a simple A4 paper would be so hard!!

    I was going to say, re. the envelope - make your own, but glad someone sent you something in an... odd size!


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