
And Here's Valerie

Valerie is back from Penland, and here's her Report; I hope this is the first of many. Then there's her Flickr link here.

To me, the yellow/orangy bits hanging form the white fence, on her blog post, is particularly evocative of how I remember my Randall Darwall experience. I'm very interested to see all the scarves in their entirety, with indication where you started and where you ended up, Valerie, to see the changes/progression over two weeks.

Thank you, Valerie, for such prompt posting. (Pant, pant!!) Anybody else out there who was in class with Valerie who blogs or has a Flickr-or-similar site? Or, would like to email me your impressions, thoughts, affirmations or unrecognizable dreamy babble, please do so; I'm keeping my inbox wide open!

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