
Art/Craft Discussion Again

Peg started (or resumed) it here, then continued here, and then, so far, ended up here. My eyes can't stand the screen just now, so I'll have to go back to read this thread (and all the related links), but a thought just popped in my head.

Instead of feeling we, as weavers, need to insist we, too, make art, we might as well enjoy the spectrum of what our craft offers. I know I do, contrary to popular belief. I mean, we should not feel apologetic about weaving our bread-and-butter line, (and I'm not saying you do), and love the joy-weave as well as the more difficult stuff. That's in stark contrast to, say, a painting with no artistic merit, whatever that means, which is just, if I may humbly and quietly say so, a piece of j u n k with not a lot of utility.

The thought came from somewhere else while reading Peg's reaction to Cally. For this Perpetual Newbie, it's in the aspiration where I can distinguish my art vs my craft. And the time I spend designing. I have to say this, (though I don't like to because the act of saying could be misconstrued as my disbelief):




Peg in South Carolina said...

Extraordinary craftsmanship is at the bottom of most great art. And yes, weaving doe not have to be art. Thank you for pointing that out. There is a broad spectrum as there is in any craft/art. Any weaver who wants to make something that is beautiful is confessing to his desire to make art. Why not celebrate the desire! It is a very human desire.

Meg said...

Yes, Peg. Someone else pointed out something that you mentioned before, too, that, and I'm paraphrasing here, expertise in the craft (i.e. technique) allows the art to transcends into the work. Something like that.

And to me it is the intent, the desire. But you can't see intents and desires at exhibitions, and sometimes I find too many statements and background material and not enough final product at exhibitions lately.

Boy, I'm undecided on this topic!!

Peg in South Carolina said...

Meg, instead of thinking of yourself as undecided, think of yourself as open to ideas and possibilities. And keep going to the gym!

Meg said...

That's the thing about gym nowadays; my body really doesn't like it when I don't go, so I have to. A coworker once said she hated her job but couldn't quite because of her mortgage; gym has become my not-fantastic job.