
Twisted Bouts

I went back to Peg's blog to re-read about bout-twisting, and I realized my problem might be a unique one. At one point, Peg seems to have twisted a bout while putting the lease sticks through, ergo the twist.

In my case, I warp a whole bunch of ends, say 250, off of one cone and make my chain. As I wind the back beam, sections within one lot of the warp chain appear/are/become(??) twisted. I was going to keep this a secret until I figured out how it happens, but since I've inadvertently outed myself, I'll have to bite the bullet and show you a picture the next time it happens. Then you can solve my problem for me?

OR, at last might I have come up with a unique, first time ever weaving problem? And is that a good thing or a bad thing??

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