I'm sorry, the original post here on Tuesday was terribly defeatist and meaningless, I'm overwriting it, except for the part where...
"Thursday last week at the gym, I fell off of, or more like slid off, one of these stepping board things, from the great height of about 2cms!! Suffice it to say, I've been limping over Easter. It reminded me of years ago when my friend Sally found hilarious that her daughter Sarah used to trip over "a string" when Sarah was learning to walk. Sarah, cute; me at the gym, not so."
I was shocked to see yesterday in my loom notebook I hadn't sat at the loom, any of them, since around 10 Feb; that's a whopping 6 1/2 weeks, and the longest even for me for some time. I must remedy this slack weaver-ness.
Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI feel so much better knowing I am in such good company as dear Meg.
Abouts 20 Feb was my last throw of the shuttle.
I'm guessing three more weeks before my looms claim my attention.
I'm guessing there is a qualitative difference in our times away from the loom, Lynne. I'm kind of .... blah and somewhere else. I trust you are elsewhere doing otherwise creative and productive things? At any rate, it's nice to get back on the saddle, that's for sure.