

Craft 08 and Chunky Rugs

With the cottons taking much longer to complete than anticipated, I had to dig up some other work to submit. Luckily, neither of the Pacific pieces had been exhibited before, and coincidentally, I had the two designs in a smaller scale, so those four and the two cottons made up the requested six. They were due 5PM Monday, but I was allowed to bring them at 9AM Tuesday.

This exhibit, Craft 08, was the idea of furniture-maker John Shaw, who got sick of being called an object-maker. He insists he is a craftsman, and he makes furnitures, but no matter what they are called, his work is not subservient to what is usually regarded as objet d'art.

Apparently craft enjoyed a strong resurgence in the 80's in Nelson, and he wanted other craftspersons to join in showcasing crafts that are alive and well in Nelson today. We are hoping this might become an annual exhibit.

So, an exhibition right up my alley.

Painter and curator Deb Hunter opened the exhibit; she's also responsible for hanging my pieces so beautifully. (I must stop telling everybody to go ahead and feel my textile as curators take such care in hanging them beautifully.)

I was so tired, but I am glad I made it to the opening. My pieces were hung in a great position, and I felt a tad more comfortable in the "art opening" environment. Both Ben and I are getting to know some of the "regulars" so we no longer stand in the corner as if we're being punished.

Yesterday, The Nelson Mail did an article on Craft 08. On me, writer Peter Gibbs said I showed "different strings to her bow with chunky rugs in possum, merino, and silk contrasting with incredibly fine gold-colored cloth in cotton."

Incredibly fine? They are only 20/2s... But "chunky rugs"? Ben and I can't stop laughing; we've been saying "chunky rugs" out loud every chance we get.


  1. chunky rug
    chunky rug
    chunky rug

    I now have a useful ear worm for LA.

  2. Hee hee, hah hah.

    I went back on Friday to see how badly wrinkled the larger pieces were, and they were bad, so Deb said I could go back Monday morning and I could press them again, and Deb would hang them back, the middle piece showing the other side, the side of her preference, as there aren't too many visitors on Monday morning.

    It's kind of thrilling to be allowed to do this in the middle of the exhibition that's already open to the public, and I'm very much looking forward to it.


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