I went to an opening Friday night, and a considerate, kind friend asked me, "So, has this been a good year for you?" I responded in my usual hasty, joking way, "I hate being poor," and went into a monologue about how I stared at a $12 used paperback of letters from Vincent to Theo for 15 minutes before deciding I couldn't afford it. And the book was further 10% off. And everybody laughed.
But it has been a good year.
In 2005 I sent one piece to one exhibit, sold two other pieces, and had three commission work. In 2006, I sent one piece to one exhibit, sold two other pieces, and the Red Gallery started to have my work. And I went to Randy's workshop.
2007 started with a tiny, first solo exhibit, and I followed it up with somehow being involved with seven exhibits/displays of different sizes. I participated in the Expo, and will participate in the Twilight Market, and I have two commissions. And though I'm still firmly in the red, I lost count of how many pieces I sold. (It's probably somewhere around eight, I'd imagine.)
I didn't go to a workshop, (this supposedly being a year of being my own apprentice), but I made many friends who also make things, here in Nelson and out there in the ether, who understand the daily tribulations of making things, so I didn't have to rely so much on self-help books. And, boy, do we enjoy celebrating each other's triumphs, or simple company. When I go to openings nowadays, I know some people!!
And significantly, I survived Martin Rodger's departure from Arts Marketing; I didn't shrivel up in a fetal position in my basement and die a linty death.
I've been a member of the Marlborough Weavers. I still enjoy
Kath's singing in her various metamorphosis, and still hope to have a joint exhibit with Megg Hewlett. There's a new, significant friendship I haven't mentioned, as this one needs to be a separate post, and another I hope will be renewed.
Universe only knows what will happen in the next seven or so weeks before I can look back at the whole year, but for now, life is good, and thank you so much for asking.
(This may shock you, but I had a busy day Friday, and went to the said Opening in my gym clothes. That's too casual even for Nelson, but it was either that or not going, so I went, and enjoyed it, and suffice it to say, you don't get kicked out for it in Nelson. A deeper appreciation for the easy access to art here has been another discovery this year.)

Mini Exhibit during Garden Marlborough, Blenheim, recently. I've come to enjoy sitting back and observing what others do with my pieces, how they wear or display them. I like the use of the edge to make it look like a collar here; very Candice Bergen.