After eight weeks of not getting anywhere, I forced myself to doodle with my design program, and the one above was the first design I came up with. It's a feminine rendition of tapa, because the design unit is smaller, and there are fewer obvious squares and rectangles commonly found in tapa designs. The reverse side is very warp-dominant.

As you can see, this is refreshingly strong and clear. This piece looks good from the distance, but is intricate close up. I also like the two faces of this piece. Though I always try to create interests in both sides as I design my shawls, this is the first time I have been able to make a cloth where the difference in the two sides is more than just that one is the opposite of the other in color and texture. In this piece, they convey very different moods, and it gives me a whole new consideration in designing future pieces.
These two designs, I am in the process of recreating, in different yarn combinations and setts and scale; I've never been tempted to do this with my original designs before. There is a third design that I wove that is still sitting on the loom; the jury is out on that one.
I regretted that in the ten weeks I was given to weave for the exhibit, I produced only two new pieces, (and third, iffy one, on the loom), but in terms of quality, I am pleased with these two.
I would love to hear honest opinion on these designs. Please!!
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