

My Workshop Experiences Part 3

I found out about the Randall Darwall workshop in February 2006 on the New Zealand woolcraft list. I signed up right away because I vaguely remembered the name mentioned by Brigit after Convergence 2002. Brigit is another weaver I met at Bonnie's workshop and, for whose artistry no amount of superlative is sufficient. Anyone who can impress Brigit was good enough for me, though I got the distinct feeling, from Brigit's email, that anyone who pretends to be a weaver should recognize this name instantly.

I was getting used to the idea of being the least experienced weaver in a workshop. In fact, it's kind of wonderful because others teach me things or give me hints, and if I ask a dumb question, (and yes, there are dumb questions), it doesn't matter because, well, I've not been doing this long.

You all know how the October 2006 workshop went; suffice it to say, it was better than cheesecake with chocolate and ice cream. If you would like to recap, here's the link.

I'm not sure what other exciting workshops awaits me. Like Randy said, I need to do my own apprenticeship. I realize it's almost September, but my 2007 weaving is about to commence. (Do you think I'm still on the American school calendar?)

By the way, Brigit's handout was on why people weave, or would be interested in buying handwoven cloth; I was looking forward to this discussion during the workshop, but alas, we cover it. Randy, you owe me one.

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