Since I signed up to do an exhibit(ion), I've been thinking a lot of about the visual coherence of an exhibit. Since Randall Darwall's workshop, I've been obsessed with color changes and Fibonacci sequence. Since I named the exhibit(ion), I've been concentrating on "Sea, Sand and Sky" expressed in colors, textures and weave structures. And I've been in a rush to try to weave to a schedule.
Fundamentally, the kind of shawls I like to weave haven't got a lot of colors but more like nuances: I use the subtle differences of the color or sheen in the warp and weft to highlight the weave. And these two pieces I've finished don't do that. In fact, rather than spending time to design a twill to show waves and water and sand and grass on the dunes, I'm downloading handsome weaves and sampling them one by one. I've been working with concepts trying to make pictures and not doing "my" weaving. At this rate, I won't be showing my best stuff.
On the other hand, these two suit the theme and make good fillers, and by that I don't mean these are inferior, just not to my liking. I know it's good to extend oneself, and I am doing just that. And in the end, I can never tell what you like.
So for the next one or two warps, I'm going to use one color in the warp and do my thing with weave structures, and get it out of my system. At the end of this process, I should have accumulated about half a dozen, at which time I can decide if I need more of "my" kind of shawls, or the "conceptual/pictorial" kind, or if I have the energy and guts and time to try to combine both.
Thank you for clarifying that for me; you've been of great help.
You seem to be working and thinking very hard. Sometimes we do not know our own best works, but we do know the ones we have worked the hardest on. Best wishes in the process.
I do not know if the "you " in your writing is a real or fabricated person. I prefer it is an imaginary one.
I am looing forward to seeing more of your weaving - as best as can be shown. Keep the camera handy.
Minnetonka Felix, I'm not sure if I'm a figment of my imagination, but I hear you foice of wisdom and experience - I shall always remember the works on which I worked the hardest. About keeping the camera handy, I was getting a bit adventurous washing and shooting at the same time!
The scarf in the pictures looks beautiful to me. I wouldn't worry to much, if I were you. Some things need time to grow, in ours minds and then in our hands and then, viola', one day it will be there, as if effortlessly .And only you'll know about the long birthing process, we will only admire its beauty. This is the artist's destiny.
Good weavings,
Thank you, Merisi, for kind words. I understand what you mean, as I have experiences like that in the past, but yesterday I tried wearing it in different ways in front of the mirror, and I liked it even less! Sooo, I think I'll just have to concentrate on what I'm doing NOW for the time being and come back to it and the others. Thank you for visiting Unravelling.
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